Parent with Confidence.

Let’s face it. Parenting is challenging.

Despite best intentions of fostering nurturing, cooperative family dynamics, parents often find themselves defaulting to familiar unproductive patterns of reaction.

Our programs are designed to help families connect better, solve conflicts peacefully, and empower parents to support their children's growth in all aspects of life, cultivating authentic, resilient, adaptable, and creative children.

Sign up for a Free Discovery Call. This is the best way to know if coaching is right for you and your family.

Hi, I'm Stephanie Trudeaux, the Chief Play Enthusiast behind UnboundPlay.

With over 30 years of teaching and counseling experience, I’m on a mission to help you become the ultimate parent, leader, and change-maker in your and your child's life. UnboundPlay is where we break free from external pressures and ditch the external rewards game to embrace our creative, playful minds.

I integrate Jungian Life coaching with expertise in play studies, weaving together insights from Interpersonal Neurobiology, developmental neuroscience, and a playful mindset. This unique blend forms the foundation for creating a customized journey tailored specifically for you. Whether it's bringing more peace to you, creating stronger bonds with your kids, decreasing conflict, or rocking your parenting game, let's dive into this playful adventure together!

How I can help

The wisdom you seek is hidden within. Let me guide you to find it!

  • Individual Family Coaching

    Focused one-on-one attention and support for your unique family unit. These programs are uniquely customized to your challenges and needs.

  • Group Family Coaching

    Interactive group coaching that offers a supportive community of parents all striving to reach more harmonious family relationships.

 What Clients are Saying

  • Emma C. J.

    Stephanie is a brilliant and insightful coach. Throughout the course of our coaching, I brought up issues about work, family, relationships, and my inner mental and emotional world. We worked through my tendency to please others and over-achieve, fear of vulnerability, and abandonment. In each session, Stephanie was able to guide me beyond the surface-level behaviors towards the root causes of the situation. The dialogue brings insight and awareness to unconscious patterns, empowering you to consciously choose how you want to handle situations and create your life. I would recommend coaching with Stephanie for anyone who is ready to turn inwards to change their life.

  • Patrice S.

    Stephanie is not just a life coach. She has mastered the art of listening and the tools of depth psychology. Her approach is very direct, non judgemental, and focused. If you are looking for true results rather than just polishing your ego, Stephanie will guide you to find the answers. She is a caring soul and brave to face the deepest fears with her clients. She is the guide you want to have on your side through the dark. Highly recommend!

  • Emily T.

    I always learn so much from having Stephanie as a coach. She creates a safe and comfortable space to explore conflict I experience in my life, and I really enjoy her calm and composed wisdom. The insights and guidance I gained from working with her have helped me address the root of my issues. They've made me realize a lot about my family shadow and how I relate to others in the world. Doing this inner work has been so important to me in my process of family planning so that I don't project generational trauma onto my loved ones. Thank you, Stephanie!

  • Jessie C.

    Stephanie helped me navigate a difficult time as a mother of two young children. Our 5 year old son had a really hard time transitioning to having a new baby sister after 4 years of having me all to himself. On top of that, he also was having big emotions with the start of kindergarten. Stephanie filled our toolboxes with strategies for both my son and I to work through. She provides a safe, compassionate, and non-judgmental experience every session. I especially enjoyed our parent coaching sessions where we could dive deeper into our issues and come up with actionable resolutions. She has insights into parenting I never knew existed and she turned me into a better mom. I couldn't have made it through this difficult journey without Stephanie's help!

Schedule a
Free Discovery Call

This is the best way to know if coaching is right for you.  I offer a free discovery call to give us time to meet, answer questions, and see if we are a good fit.